The first TV adaptation of Banks work since his death in 2013, Stonemouth is a rite-of-passage tale delving into love, loyalty and vengeance, focusing on the character of Stewart Gilmour played by Christian Cooke (Demons, Trinity), who returns to the fictional village of Stonemouth for his be...
Dawid, Vanessa and Ludwig are the finalists at a pitch-competition for a movie about the German Rap phenomenon CRO. As the three youngsters work out their extraordinary film ideas, they must fight through unexpected personal challenges.
When Lillebrors mother is mysteriously hurt in a biking accident, Lillebror and Knerten turn the town upside down trying to find the culprit.
After becoming indebted to a psychopathic drug lord, three desperate young men are forced to commit a brazen robbery. What begins as a simple plan—"in and out in seven minutes"—quickly escalates into a dangerous game of life or death. As each minute of the heist ticks by, true motives are rev...
Adam Worth destroys Praxis and travels back in time to the 1890s to save his daughter. Dr. Magnus travels back in time to stop him before he damages the time line and destroys her future with it.资料转自: