Four rookie astronauts are sent on a simulated mission to a distant planet to test the psychological effects of deep space travel. Locked away for 400 days, the crew’s mental state begins to deteriorate when things outside the module begin to go haywire and all communication with missio...
YouTubes best pranksters, Roman Atwood, Vitaly Z, and Dennis Roady make the leap to the big screen
在搞笑逗乐方面,还没有哪个吸血鬼能比得过尼古拉斯·凯奇在“吸血鬼之吻”中的表演的。 凯奇扮演的一家出版社的总经理在被吸血鬼光顾并被吸了血后,行为开始变得古里古怪。他的怪癖包括:嗜食信鸽,整晚不睡,戴着墨镜并且冲着秘书大嚷……对纽约这个光怪陆离的大都市来说,他的这些行为在他开始随便和陌生人搭讪后就更...
Its Friday in Asunción and the temperature is 40oC. Victor, a 17 year-old barrow-boy, dreams of becoming famous and cant take his eyes off the TV set in Mercado 4. Hes offered the chance to deliver 7 boxes without knowing what they contain in exchange for $100. But what sounded like an easy j...
Our solar system was the first to attract humans and filled their souls with awe and fear. At the same time brave minds had been curious about its nature and kept speculating about the universe and its objects. However since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of unive...
Three aspiring young women (Naomi, Joe, and Elsa) embark on a mission to break into the acting business. Naomi, the most seasoned of the roommates, is the full package. Shes a sexy, confident, and an experienced talent on the verge of breaking through. Joe has the tools and the passion, but p...
宠坏的处于青春期的惠特尼被选举为她们班的班长,这是一所富人学校---宾福特中学,位于费城。惠特尼有自己最要好的朋友,同时也是副班长的琳赛的支持。她承诺会为全班同学举办一场超棒的正式舞会,甚至包括获得奖学金的同学们。 惠特尼在和她的朋友们一起挑选正式的礼...