Comrade Draculich is a romantic vampire tale set in the cold war era. In the early 70's, Fabian the vampire returns home to the People's Republic of Hungary from the imperialist west, and immediately becomes a target of the communist secret police. During surveillance, love unfolds b...
Middle-aged Max and Sara meet and fall for each other in Palm Springs, but their love story is cut short due to a sudden zombie outbreak. Max is not as mild-mannered as he appears, and has a history involving government-sanctioned hits, but one zombie he isn't able to kill is his darling...
史黛斯(Lauren Kinsella 饰)在母亲离世后无依无靠,只好跟随多年没见的舅父威尔(艾丹·吉伦 饰)前往都柏林乡郊,开始相依为命生活。因为史黛斯被诊断出有渴睡症而没有学校愿意接收,幸好有邻居艾美莉(埃里卡圣 饰)充当家教教授知识,充实了孤单的生活。当一切慢慢重上轨道时,史黛斯赫然发现威尔是假释囚犯!因...
Petty Officer Michael Davis (Jeremy Davis) is the newbie to SEAL Team VI, but after his first mission the young soldier is weathered beyond hid years. His first assignment as for the elite black ops squad is as Communications Officer for the micro ground assault team that enabled surgical aer...
Journey To Space unveils a new era of unprecedented deep space exploration in dramatic giant screen film format. It tells the true exciting story of what the next chapter of space exploration holds for both the near- and long-term. “Journey To Space,” presented by The Boeing Company and Toyot...