In its catalogue, a Czech travel agency offers a "journey into the unknown", a tour of North Korea. This trip was the second time since 1990 that a group of Czech tourists set foot in North Korea. The film follows twenty-seven Czechs who have decided to spend approximately 2,600 Euros on a si...
LA 92 looks at the events of 1992 from a multitude of vantage points, bringing a fresh perspective to a pivotal moment that reverberates to this day. Told entirely through stunning and rarely seen archival footage, the film captures the shock, disappointment and fury felt by many Angelenos, p...
Roger (Taran Killam), a straight-laced politician has big plans to propose to his dream girl (Gillian Jacobs) at her familys lake house. But everything goes awry when he meets his potential brother-in-law Todd (Bobby Moynihan): a full-time camp counselor with a heart of gold and a wild sense ...
英国剧作家JB Priestley的经典话剧改编成的电视电影。 1912年的一个夜晚,富商柏令一家正在庆祝女儿的订婚,突然一位督查来访,声称是来询问一桩自杀事件的信息。然而随着问话的进行,这件看似与柏令家毫无关系的事件,却引出了一个一个秘密...而最后的真相,究竟是什么?