A graduate of the Offenbach College of Design, Piotr J. Lewandowski has made his directorial debut with JONATHAN (working-title) based on an award-winning screenplay. The moving drama about family secrets and the obstacles to achieving one’s own happiness features Jannis Niew?hner, one of th...
根据Tracey Wigfield经历改篇,讲述来自新泽西的母亲,由于母女关系岌岌可危,因为到了女儿工作的有线新闻台,当起一名实习生。 Andrea Martin扮演Carol,善良唠叨乐观但无趣的妈妈,她没上过大学,为了养育女儿放弃了事业。在朋友的葬礼上,听了追悼词受到了启发,她决定追求自己的梦想,去了她女儿工作的有线电视...
One week on a cruise ship, with parties, fun and new friendships. The all-gay clientele on board are preoccupied with topics such as identity, the body beautiful and the search for sex. Every evening is dedicated to a new theme, challenging the passengers to ever more extravagant, body-huggin...