放送人卢弘喆有望出演吴恩英博士的SBS新综艺《Circle House》。 12月20日SBS方面回应称:卢弘喆是讨论出演的阶段,目前确定的出演者为歌手李昇基与《街头女战士》中的舞者LEEJUNG。 精神健康医学科专家吴恩英博士与SBS合作新年特辑10期综艺《Circle House》,一起思考MZ世代对于职场、家庭、恋爱、婚姻的问题。 12...
Sucker-Free City, or S.F.C., revolves around the conflicts among white, black, Latino and Asian street gangs in San Francisco. 旧金山,恶棍自由之城,或者叫作S.F.C,在那里,白人,黑人,拉丁美洲人和亚洲人,由不同人组成的街头帮派所引起的冲突充满了整座城市。
在即将跨入世界反法西斯战争的时候 ,一名犹太拉比的女儿和一个德国诗人士兵坠入了爱河,但因为战争分离开。他们为找到互相,开始了艰难的旅程。
The drug detective chief is kidnapped by his teammates in front of his lover, Marie. Marie pulls back the drugs she seized from the police to find the chief and approaches the organization. Moving along the path of the drug, Marie hides in a mansion where she meets a hostess, Chunchin. In th...