With every Christian suddenly "vanished" from the world, headstrong 15-year-old Gabby is thrust into adulthood way too soon, along with her younger sister Claire and the two teen boys, Josh and Flynn, vying for Gabbys attention. Will the group be able to navigate a dangerous new world ruled b...
Take New York City, add every horrifying beast, science-fiction freak, and fantasy faerie, shake thoroughly, and youve got Ugly Americans.3月17日,喜剧频道将播出新动画剧《丑陋的美国人》(Ugly Americans)。该剧讲述热心肠的社会工作者Mark Lilly帮助刚刚来到纽约的「市民」融入美国社会的故事。你也注...
Janet is promoted to sergeant but steps down to give it to Rachel as she feels she is needed more at home. The pair join the search for eighteen year old Robin McKendrick, a simple lad reported missing by his boss, landlord John Rivington. Pub regulars are unforthcoming until a boy called Joh...
(老爸老妈罗曼史 第六季 / HIMYM 6)故事围绕着五位主角展开。在大学任职教授的泰德(乔什·拉德诺 Josh Radnor 饰)还在感情路上寻寻觅觅,等待真命天女的到来。这天,巴尼(尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯 Neil Patrick Harris 饰)告诉他一个消息,巨人国家银行委派他设计一座新的总部大楼。几经 考虑后,泰德答应接受这份工...