Only one lusted glance brings Aliya to the events throwing her into the criminal ocean. But in the wirliging of passions and turmoil when she finds herself at the verge of fatality its only her true love that is the only rescue.Now the most important thing for Aliya is to preserve the honor a...
《鱿鱼仔的乡土生活》是Adult Swim频道于2005年首播的一部成人动画作品,剧集以美国南方一座宁静的小山镇为背景,讲述了一对“没文化,屌炸天”的鱿鱼父子Early和Rusty各种喷鼻血的生活桥段。
静谧的夜空上,皎洁的圆月中住着全身洁白、似乎只有儿童才能看见的月亮先生(Katharina Thalbach 配音)。他蜷缩在方寸之间,孤独寂寞。某晚,一颗剧烈燃烧的小行星朝地球飞去,月亮先生趁机抓住火舌,随之坠落地球。与此同时,地球大总统(Ulrich Tukur 配音)正在一座天文台举行征服地球每一寸角落的庆祝仪式,小...
In this new three-part series, Simon Reeve travels across the worlds biggest country, Russia. On the centenary anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Simons journey will take him from the snow-capped volcanoes of the far east, through some of the remotest parts of our planet, to the great cit...
Filmed over a 10-year period, Making a Murderer is an unprecedented real-life thriller about Steven Avery, a DNA exoneree who, while in the midst of exposing corruption in local law enforcement, finds himself the prime suspect in a grisly new crime. Set in Americas heartland, the series takes...
When a plane crashes, Newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder discovers a Note that was meant for the child of one of the passengers. "The Note" shows how dramatically life can change in a spilt second...the need to make a connection and reach out to someone you care about. If only we ...
电影围绕着被挂科的心理学学生弗朗西斯科?哈维尔?加拉尔达和他的心理学教授埃斯皮诺萨之间展开,这部新式西班牙恐怖片故事惊险有趣,并从心理学教授埃斯皮诺萨的角度对生活的真相和罪恶感进行了探讨。 弗朗西斯科?加拉尔达在大学的最后一个学期因挂科而无法毕业,他的心理学教授埃斯皮诺萨只给了他4分并要求他重修。...
兩名導演Laurent Courtiand及Julien Carbon是編劇出身,劇本包括杜琪峰執導的港片《暗戰》。這是一部帶有恐怖色彩、然後還牽涉到跨國珠寶搶劫的電影,吳家麗飾演一名美貌與智慧並重的女人,但卻以殺人及吸毒來滿足自己。日本AV女優雨宮琴音似乎沒有脫衣服,據她自己表示,她飾演的角色是在電影一開始就被殺死的日本...
Güeros is a road movie in which the travellers barely manage to leave town. A coming of age comedy which pays homage to the French new wave, it was filmed in black-and-white and in 4:3 ratio. Being a somewhat unusual film, Güeros begins with a rather different kind of explosion: a water bomb ...