Fringe is a remarkably creative series that has set the bar as one of television’s most imaginative dramas. Bringing it back for a final 13 allows us to provide the climactic conclusion that its passionate and loyal fans deserve. The amazing work the producers, writers and the incredibly tale...
Boy Meets World joined the ABC networks successful "TGIF" lineup in 1993, and instantly distinguished itself from the dewy-eyed hokum that passes for much family viewing with its relative sophistication, emotional complexity, and smart, stylish dialogue. In a way, Boy Meets World, starring Be...
In Season 4, wedding bells finally ring for Max and 99 ... that is, if Max can escape from the clutches of KAOS and the evil Dr. Madre, whos hidden the map to a secret uranium mine on Maxs chest, in "With Love and Twitches." Thats right, its another action-packed season of classic clandestine...
At the beginning of 2259, Captain John Sheridan replaces Sinclair as the military governor of the station. He and the command staff learn that the death of President Santiago was actually an assassination masterminded by Vice President Clark (who assumed the Presidency upon Santiagos death). ...
High school seniors Logan and Blake prepare for an epic Spring Break as they travel to the beautiful and exotic Mexican beach resort of Puerto Vallarta hoping tohook up with their high school crushes. Surrounded by hot girls in teeny bikinis| the guys are truly in heaven. After meeting at a c...