Set in 1941, a drama about Canada's World War II policies toward Japanese-heritage citizens as told through the saga of a middle-class family forced to leave their successful Vancouver boating business, and relocate in a small, economically depressed mining town in the British Columbia i...
繁华大都会纽约,卓有成就且花心风流的商人诺曼(马修·塞特尔 Matthew Settle 饰)与美丽女子朵莉(卡蒂娅·温特 Katia Winter 饰)正沉浸在热恋之中。对诺曼来说,朵莉也许只是一枚调剂生活的美味甜点,但对朵莉这个爱情至上的女子来说,诺曼就是她的一切。耐不住女友的不住央求,诺曼总算同意暂时放下手头的要务,...
Shingo & the boys (Nick & Ruben) are blackmailed into helping Rawlins infiltrate an underground shootfighting ring in an attempt......
Famed rock and roll guitarist Johnny Thunders arrives in New Orleans to get his life together after a toll of hardships, but instead falls into a dark journey and trail of events that are based on his real life unexplained mysterious death.