一座历史悠久的监狱即将停止使用,孔武有力的军官汤姆·斯提尔(史蒂文·西格 Steven Seagal 饰)授命处理善后事务,保证剩余的犯人安全妥善转移到联邦监狱。为此,他找来曾经在部队的好哥们儿曼宁(史蒂夫·奥斯汀 Steve Austin 饰)帮忙。犯人转移的最后一天,所有事项都在紧张的气氛中进行,平日里便躁动不安的犯人...
罗兰德(史蒂文?席格 Steven Seagal 饰)是一名洛杉矶警察,在一次执行任务中,他遇到了生死攸关的麻烦。他的搭档竟然勾结黑社会欲置其于死地。结果他遭到枪击案,身收重伤,倒在血泊中。在医院里,他才赫然醒悟:真正的凶手就是那个卑鄙的搭档。当他痊愈后,他又接到了新的任务——保护一个拥有模特身材的富家女尼基...
When a contract killer (Steven Seagal) encounters a girl on the run from a mob boss (Vinnie Jones) with powerful political ties, he is torn between protecting the girl, and remaining loyal to the government agency that hired him for the mission.
When a contract killer (Steven Seagal) encounters a girl on the run from a mob boss (Vinnie Jones) with powerful political ties, he is torn between protecting the girl, and remaining loyal to the government agency that hired him for the mission.