本剧将带给您前所未有的近距离体验,把美国内战后与二十世纪初之间的四十年内,其间西部拓荒的野蛮,血腥与漫无法纪毫无保留的呈现给您。 从杰西詹姆斯和疯马,到怀耶特额普与水牛比尔,这些角色都在这段充满血腥暴力的美国历史里占着一席之地,每一集的故事都会探索这些西部最恶名昭彰的法外狂徒,且看他们是如何为...
Chung Woo and Min Woo are married in the celebration of many guests in the church. However, Ahn is not a virgin on the first night, and she breaks up with her betrayal. After that, the chamber starts to wander, sharing love with a man who does not even know his name. Kim, a partner of the com...