A look behind the scenes of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. It’s a pleasure to follow the camera on its extended forays through the magnificent halls and well-stocked storage rooms, listening in on the exhibition curators and lingering with interest by the restorers. All those working...
A cop (Roberts) tries to bust a gang of teenage gun dealers. In the process he catches only one and tries to charge him with a number of offences but fails since the gang member is underage. One by one the youth's friends start turning up dead. It is up to Dylan (Roberts), and his partne...
电影《风月之家》(《casa de remolienda》)就是充分利用了智利南部旖旎的风光来衬托和讲述这个对我而言已经不新鲜的故事。 一位风韵犹存的乡下女人带着三个早已成年的儿子到镇上找失散多年的妹妹。后者恰好在镇上经营一家夜总会,带着三个年轻貌美的风月场上的女人。三对年轻人几乎是一见钟情,然而,与所有的故...
THE SEARCH FOR FREEDOM is the story of a cultural revolution fueled by the human desire to live in the moment and do what makes you feel the most alive.
他们早晨上班争抢一个座位后,莎莉和卡尔开始聊天,突然他们日常的火车之旅变得更有趣。卡尔是婚姻美满,Sally的参与 - 哪来的危害?然而,他们发现自己越来越多地吸引到对方,因为他们的友谊成长为逢场作戏,他们拒绝承认 - 对方还是自己 - 这一条线可能被越过。发现的后果将是改变人生的,灾难性的可能,但他们不...
由著名导演雷德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)和托尼·斯科特(Tony Scott)牵线,全球最大的视频分享网站YouTube邀请全世界网民用摄像机纪录下2010年7月24日这一天自己的生活琐事以及对一些简单问题的回答。来自190个国家和地区的总计近4500小时的视频,展现了在同一天之中世界各地人们的日常生活。影片中每个人拍摄的内...
Its 1974 and 15 year-old Danny is our guide through the ups and downs of life with the Baker family. With eldest daughter Sharons wedding looming and the docks facing closure, times are challenging. So too are Dannys attempts to get closer to the opposite sex. Full of humour, warmth and drama...
本季开篇就让观众忍不住猜想:看起来只是阿什公馆的普通清晨,结果却出人意料。这一季中,有哪些秘密会被揭开,又有哪些秘密将永远封存? 巴特:为了使詹姆斯的性向不为人所知,乔治给了巴特一笔封口费。贪婪的巴特想继续勒索,却在几天后被人发现死在河边。 莎拉:第一季中,有着神秘身世的故事莎拉·亚当斯在游轮上...
Alex will face challenges in Season 2 that make him question his true goals, and test him in ways he didnt expect. Tommy, TJ, and the whole cast of characters will grow and change and the show will go deeper into their relationships and their lives. Season 1 was just the beginning -- wait til...