狂风暴雨之夜,似乎预示着不好的事情即将发生。此时,唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 配音)正和三个小侄子蜷在客厅收听收音机。这时传来一则令人毛骨悚然的消息,动物园那头脾气暴躁、力大无穷的大猩猩阿贾克斯逃了出来,至今下落不明。三个小家伙顽皮非常,扮成阿贾克斯吓唬唐大叔,气得唐老鸭楼上楼下追赶。恰在此时,阿...
Jeremy Paxman joins dedicated art lover and author of ‘Van Gogh"s Ear: The True Story’, Bernadette Murphy at the climax of her seven-year mission to solve one of the most perplexing art mysteries of our time: did van Gogh really take a razor to his own ear, and what led him to com...