1941年,第二次世界大战如火如荼。是时,美军和苏联军队分别在马汀·斯通队长(安德鲁·蒂曼 Andrew Tiernan 饰)和涅米队长(约克·亚赫罗 Jouko Ahola 饰)的率领下进入了位于芬兰与俄罗斯边境地区,协助芬兰部队歼灭敌军。在之前的1939年, 纳粹德国抓捕俄罗斯士兵进行秘密的活体试验。两年后希特勒下令中止试验,并...
A new breed of aggressive, ravenous sharks cracks the frozen ocean floor of an Arctic research station, devouring all who fall through. As the station sinks into frigid waters, those alive must fashion makeshift weapons or suffer the same fate.
法兰克福,1937年5月,世界上最大的飞艇兴登堡正准备飞往纽约。这个庞然大物是德国的骄傲。但它有一个致命的缺陷:由于美国禁止出售氦气给德国,兴登堡采用的燃料是极易发生爆炸的氢气。更火上浇油的是,飞艇的设计师麦顿·克罗格得知有人在飞艇上安防了一颗炸弹。兴登堡无疑成为了一个随时会爆炸的巨型火药桶。 在莱...
火爆全球的《银河护卫队》热潮第二弹,漫威不久前在纽约漫展上发布“银护”动画版的首张海报和首支测试片段,正式宣布动画版计划。“火箭”和“星爵”均在视频中亮相。漫威电视部总监 Jeph Loeb 在纽约漫展上宣布了动画版的消息,并播映了这段一分多钟的测试画面。视频中,“火箭”浣熊手持重型机枪武器,开火射落一架无人机...
A friendship no-one ever thought possible leads to an adventure no-one will ever forget. The touching, heart-warming, yet rousing story of the unlikely relationship between two diverse creatures makes sure of that. Zeus is a rather mangy mutt, a domestic pet who forms an inexplicable bond of...
A vivid memoir of Laurie Lee’s childhood, Cider With Rosie is set in an idyllic Cotswold village, during and immediately after the Great War. It is an evocative coming-of-age story that also chronicles life in a rural world as yet untouched by electricity and cars, depicting a place that sits...
When Grady| an assassin with a genetic disorder that renders him unable to feel pain| is sent on a high-stakes assignment| his world is turned upside-down after an attack when he awakens to discover that he can feel pain for the first time in his life. With the clock ticking and his greatest ...
巴塞罗那的大学生布鲁诺(劳伦克·冈萨雷斯 Lloren? González 饰)有一个漂亮女友卡拉(阿斯特丽德·伯格斯-弗瑞斯贝 àstrid Bergès-Frisbey 饰)。但在无意撞到热情活泼的街头舞者瑞(阿尔瓦罗·塞万堤斯 álvaro Cervantes 饰 )后,布鲁诺被瑞所吸引,两人擦燃火花。发现真相的卡拉伤心难过,也曾考虑跟男友一刀两断...