鸣人(竹内顺子 配音)、小樱(中村千绘 配音)和鹿丸三人进入深山寻找走失的雪貂,在回来的路上,他们遭到全副武装的骑士团的袭击。在激烈的对抗中,鸣人和对方的白甲头目特穆金一同跌落悬崖,两人被刚巧路过的商队所救。一路上,两个对手慢慢开始了解,继而得知特穆金要建立一个没有战争和灾难的乌托邦,而鸣人具...
He feels at home in places we would flee from and lives his life among the very things we fear. Throughout his life, HR Giger had inhabited the world of the uncanny, a dark universe on the brink of many an abyss. It was the only way this amiable, modest and humorous man was able to keep his f...
Jeremy Paxman joins dedicated art lover and author of ‘Van Gogh"s Ear: The True Story’, Bernadette Murphy at the climax of her seven-year mission to solve one of the most perplexing art mysteries of our time: did van Gogh really take a razor to his own ear, and what led him to com...