A commercial airplane pilot is blackmailed by his country's intelligence services to carry mysterious suitcases on his trips to Spain.
华沙民族主义组织成员与充满激情的左翼活动者陷入禁忌之恋,引发了一系列意想不到的事件。《爱国还是爱我》(Kryptonim: Polska)是由Piotr Kumik执导,Jakub Ruzyllo和Lukasz Sychowicz共同编剧的2022年波兰剧情片。影片的主演包括波利斯·席克、马切伊·穆萨洛斯基、Magdalena Mascianica、安东尼·克里科夫斯基和采...
After attempting to trick someone already down on their luck in order to win a workplace competition, a telemarketer with the gift of gab will find out whether he can talk his way out of a hostage situation where his own life is on the line.
上半场:1980年代一对【感情不合的夫妇】在开车离婚的途中车祸遇难,留下6岁儿子。30年后,儿子长大后成了一名中年富翁,他认识了1名年轻的小伙和1个女孩,并相信他们就是自己转世的父母——但后者对前世的记忆并不知情。尽管如此,已经人到中年的儿子决心要把【今世】比他年轻许多的“老爸和老妈”撮合在一起。 下半场...