The third season began on March 14, 2009 with the three-part premiere, "Transwarped", and ended on May 23, 2009. This season following the events of "Transwarped" focused on the Autobots' attempt to reach Cybertron in order to warn the Autobot High Council of Shockwav...
After five years of war in Syria, Aleppo's remaining residents prepare themselves for a siege. Khalid, Subhi and Mahmoud, founding members of The White Helmets, have remained in the city to help their fellow citizens-and experience daily life, death, struggle and triumph in a city under f...
Exofarm has a new CEO. The new CEO wants to control the world. Antboy tries to stop her with a new unnamed hero with skateboard.
巴德里(瓦伦·达万 Varun Dhawan 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大少爷,幸运的他什么都不用做,就可以享受有些人可能一辈子都无法过上的优越生活。巴德里向来认为自己是一个非常富有魅力的男人,没有任何一个女人能够逃脱他布下的情网,直到有一天,一个名为维德西(阿莉雅·布哈特 Alia Bhatt 饰)的女人出现在了他的...
一年前的连环杀人案,让埃本赛镇大学的毕业生马丁(Laurence Rupp 饰)、克莱门斯(Michael Steinocher 饰)和埃里克斯(Nadja Vogel 饰)等人接连死于非命。随着连环杀手哈斯太太的尸体被渔夫偶然发现,这起黑暗恐怖的案件似乎就此告一段落。侥幸活下来的妮娜(萨布丽娜·莱特 Sabrina Reiter 饰)如今在一家唱片店...