As the seasoned infantry and tank units of the German 11th Panzer "Ghost" division move silently into position on the snow covered hills around Nennig Germany ,a battle weary GI and his unit stand ready to defend the small town, a key position in the Allied advance to win the war. Outgunned a...
Best friends Emily and Lesley decide to take a road trip to get away from it all. When Email makes a decision to turn off the busy highway and on to a desert road all hell breaks loose. They soon find themselves the target of a mysterious tow truck that forces them into a dangerous game of ca...
传说中,初生的婴儿都具有阴阳眼。 相爱的裴儿和阿平正等待着第一个宝贝的诞生,看似平静的郊区生活,却被阿平引火自焚的阿姨给破坏了,突然出现的阿姨尖叫灾祸即将降临,被眼前景象所惊吓到的裴儿,早产生下第一胎。 虽然早产却是个健康的小男婴,但令人不解的是,小男婴总是没有理由的哭喊着。经过医生的诊断, 认...
这部片子是《暮光之城》与《致命性游戏》的结合,继第一部吸血鬼题材的钙片之后,由Charlie Vaughn导演的第一部吸血鬼题材的同志电影也即将面世 片中,Jasin和他的吸血鬼同伴体内的鲜血即将耗尽,为了生存,Jasin必须要将一具尸体变成吸血鬼,并和他相伴永远。洛杉矶刚好提供了很多合适的候选人。这群吸血鬼将他们...
一名待嫁的新娘小薇,着的白色婚纱从20楼公寓跳楼自杀,可是自杀动机不明;由于惨死街头,无名无份,没有宗祀收留,冤魂只好徘徊人间。小薇为何自杀,是因为失常、抑或冤魂缠身、或是被人下了降头? 由12位导演串成9个故事,掀起了她生前的生活,由她自杀前一刻说起,其他涉及的人及的人物包括一个送饭的少年、她住...
When I rented it, I was expecting to be disappointed. What a shock! An awesome film with a delightfully goofy plot. I did not find it offensive in any reagrd. In fact, I disagree with those who have called the film "stupid" or "dumb" or void of any real social commentary. In a nutshell, Almos...