His triumph over The Flea, has made Antboy hugely popular. But he is now up against a more formidable foe in the shape of the new boy in school, a smooth charmer who is fully intent on luring Ida away from Pelle. Pelle also finds himself being haunted; a brand new supervillain has announced h...
本片描写了纳瑞宣国王是泰国人最尊敬的伟大的国王,他的事迹广为传说。从1555年出生开始,到1605年他的统治结束。他1592年在素攀武里进行的的那次卓越的战斗中,杀死了缅甸王子,摆脱缅甸人的统治。泰国人民为了纪念他的丰功伟绩,在大成(Ayutthaya)建立了72米高的佛塔。 16世纪,大成(Ayudhaya)王国的国王Maha Th...
With her parents away for the summer, fun-loving, young Princess Alise must spend her time with Queen Uberta, training to be the perfect, proper royal...But what she really wants is to become a swashbuckling pirate! Princess Alise sets sail with Lord Rogers, Jean-Bob the frog and Speed the tu...