Mariana, Willington's eternal love, is preparing her marriage with René, the cousin of her ex boyfriend. While Willington tries to get her back, the rumour of a thief in town and a series of violent deaths that remind them of a fearful past, will endang
The series follows Kiff, an optimistic squirrel whose best intentions often lead to complete chaos, and her best friend Barrya sweet and mellow bunny. Set in the bustlinc mountains, where animals and magica creatures live together in harmony, the series features the duo, who take the town by...
Pascale Rocard帕斯卡·罗卡尔德在这部影片中的精彩表演,为她赢得了1994年马赛第十一届国际妇女电影节最佳女演员的的殊荣。 故事发生在巴黎,美丽的马西尔德今年三十岁,她靠帮人修复油画为生。男朋友保罗曾经是巴黎艺术学校的教授,他经常鼓励马西尔德自己进行些创作。马西尔德的姐姐爱丽斯在一家建筑作坊过这单调...
Part one of the Treasure Island Kids Series follows Charlie, a rebellious teenager sent to summer camp by his parents. This is not any old summer camp, this is the real Island. Meanwhile, the evil Captain Flint plots to take over the island and take all the gold hidden there for himself. Char...
兰尼(Chuck Carrington 饰)即将从学校毕业,等待着他的是无量的前途。可就在这个节骨眼上,兰尼的父亲去世了,不仅如此,父亲还将自己的所有财产都捐献给了慈善机构,留给兰尼的只有一个神秘的小盒子和一家他闻所未闻,名叫“盟约名单”的空头公司,这让兰尼百思不得其解。 之后,兰尼邂逅了名为乔森(海莉·伯顿 Hil...