Seymour Duckstein (Queer Duck) leaves his lover, Openly Gator, when he becomes enamored of and marries the Nora-Desmondesque Ms. Buzzard.
An adaptation of Mark Waids "Tower of Babel" story from the JLA comic. Ras al Ghul steals confidential files Batman has compiled on the members of the Justice League, and learns all their weaknesses. Justice League Doom is a animated movie going to be partly based on the Justice League Tower ...
狂风暴雨之夜,似乎预示着不好的事情即将发生。此时,唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 配音)正和三个小侄子蜷在客厅收听收音机。这时传来一则令人毛骨悚然的消息,动物园那头脾气暴躁、力大无穷的大猩猩阿贾克斯逃了出来,至今下落不明。三个小家伙顽皮非常,扮成阿贾克斯吓唬唐大叔,气得唐老鸭楼上楼下追赶。恰在此时,阿...
小惑星车轮街上备受瞩目的赛车手巴士郎,梦想超越被称为“传说中的赛车手”的Looser King。但是,由于某次大事故,他差点命丧黄泉。靠人造心脏“TOMOE Drive”复活的他,决定参加“惑星再开拓赛车赛”。这是一场为了重新开拓因环境变动而被破坏的土地的残酷比赛。为了贯彻自己的信念或者受到巨额赏金 诱惑的笨蛋们,不顾性...
鸣人(竹内顺子 配音)、小樱(中村千绘 配音)和鹿丸三人进入深山寻找走失的雪貂,在回来的路上,他们遭到全副武装的骑士团的袭击。在激烈的对抗中,鸣人和对方的白甲头目特穆金一同跌落悬崖,两人被刚巧路过的商队所救。一路上,两个对手慢慢开始了解,继而得知特穆金要建立一个没有战争和灾难的乌托邦,而鸣人具...
After Porn Ends, is a documentary that not only examines the lives and careers of some of the biggest names in the history of the adult entertainment industry; but what happens to them after they leave the business and try and live the "normal" lives that millions of other Americans enjoy. T...