This season began merely two whole weeks after the first season had ended, on April 19, 2008, with the airing of "The Elite Guard", and ended on July 5, 2008, with the two-parter, "A Bridge Too Close". The season revolved mainly around the Autobots in the aftermath of Meg...
2004年4月的一天,一支美军小分队在伊拉克巴格达巡逻。平静的清晨时光很快被震耳欲聋的枪炮声打破,小分队突然遭到当地武装分子的袭击。经过一番激烈交战,武装分子中数人伤亡,美军中士大卫•杰森(Michael Belisaro 饰)也身受重伤。战友的伤势严重,小分队的士兵们无法顾及其他,连忙带着大卫赶往最近的伊拉克医院...
Late 19th century. Martinón is a man rude and of few words who lives in the high mountain| being the last person of a ghost town where he passes the days caring his house and hunting animals like deer and wolves. Alone and without a contact with other people along the year except when he down...
一架隶属于美国的运输机坠落到东京湾,恐怖的经历就此展开.. 数日后,接连发生的机械人被袭击案件导致数名驾驶员的死亡,刑事久住武史和助手泰真一郎开始调查此案。在调查过程中,心不在焉的一郎认识了岬冴子,对她产生了爱慕。袭击事件仍旧继续发生着,不仅是机械人,连普通人也有数人死于非命,而且在东京湾内,...