Series showing how new camera technology is revealing the inner workings of the Earths most spectacular natural wonders.
48 hours in the life of a burnt-out City lawyer who loses his job, falls for a call girl and steals £400,000 from a gangland boss - who wants every penny of it back City lawyer Brad Walker (Matt di"Angelo) is having the worst day of his life. His high-maintenance girlfriend Sasha (Anna ...
拉丁乐团最玩世不恭的女歌手,她曾是墨西哥传奇女画家芙烈达卡萝的闺蜜情人、和好莱坞女神艾娃嘉纳有过一段情。她是大导演阿莫多瓦的音乐缪思、拉丁乐坛史上最玩世不恭的灵魂歌者。她是每唱一次歌,就要死过一次的查维拉·瓦尔加斯(Chavela Vargas,1919-2012)。江湖流传她的八卦太辛辣。她不畏保守风气,一反唱片...
48 hours in the life of a burnt-out City lawyer who loses his job, falls for a call girl and steals £400,000 from a gangland boss - who wants every penny of it back.