The Muppets return to prime-time with a contemporary, documentary-style show. For the first time ever, a series will explore the Muppets personal lives and relationships, both at home and at work, as well as romances, breakups, achievements, disappointments, wants and desires.
Kaitlin Olson是女主角,扮演Mackenzie “Mickey” Murphy,生活潦倒、说话粗鲁、烟不离手的女人。因为她那富得流油的妹妹为了逃避联邦起诉而逃离了美国,只好搬到康涅狄格州的格林威治,去照顾妹妹那些已宠坏的孩子。她很快知道一件众人皆知的事:别人家的就是熊孩子。Sofia Black D’Elia 扮演Sabrina,Mickey照顾的...
In the Olympic Athlete Village, a young cross-country skier bonds with a volunteer doctor after her petition ends. Starring Nick Kroll and Alexi Pappas. Filmed on location in the actual Olympic Village at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics with three people prising the entire cast and crew:...
根据原俄国名作家普希金名著改编。 乡间贵族小姐丽莎与青年阿列克塞经过种种波折最后终成眷属。情节离奇曲折、充满趣味。 别列斯托夫和邻居穆斯基多年不合,互不往来。二个贵族各有一儿一女。别列托夫的儿子阿列克塞是个棒小伙子却不喜欢上层社会的生活,常和女佣们“混”在一起。听到此事,穆罗姆斯...