Based on John Marsdens popular novel which has sold over 2 million copies world wide. TOMORROW WHEN THE WAR BEGAN follows the journey of eight high school friends in a remote country town whose lives are suddenly and violently upended by a war that no-one saw coming. Cut off from their famili...
前美国海军特种部队米高亚当斯, 在一次拯救行动中在北韩被俘掳, 三年后获释回国, 满以为可重过正常生活, 可惜好景不常, 妻子竟被人在脑里植入微型炸弹, 藉此威胁他去行刺一个美国参议员, 否则炸弹就会自动引爆! 这时, 他只剩下不够12小时....
由Gabe Turne执导、Rizzle Kicks的成员Harley Alexander-Sule倾情出演的暴力惊悚片《黑帮大佬》讲述了两代伦敦黑帮的冲突,揭示了犯罪生活的险恶和无可奈何。 近期,黑帮交易的冲突不断升级,交易的工具也从刀片发展到枪支武器。当得知老朋友不幸受到攻击时,金盆洗手的黑帮大佬(Doug Allen饰演)不得不重出江湖捍...
As the Dragon Master, Po has endured his fair share of epic challenges but nothing could prepare him for his greatest one yet-as a Kung Fu teacher to a group of rambunctious kids from Panda Village who have been imbued with a mysterious and powerful chi energy. Together they embark on amazing...
《鱿鱼仔的乡土生活》是Adult Swim频道于2005年首播的一部成人动画作品,剧集以美国南方一座宁静的小山镇为背景,讲述了一对“没文化,屌炸天”的鱿鱼父子Early和Rusty各种喷鼻血的生活桥段。