1940年5月,德国入侵荷兰,荷兰青年奋起反抗,以皮特?哈提克为首组成了秘密的抵抗军。德军不仅压迫荷兰人民,更残忍地对犹太人实施种族灭绝政策。德军首领拉曼是个冷血的人,他酷爱收藏,这次他又有了一个大的计划, “收藏”孤儿院的犹太儿童。得知消息的抵抗军迅速行动,伪装成德军用卡车救出了这些孩子。皮特为了寻...
Based on a true story of a prep school student who smuggled $300k of uncut cocaine into the US in 1984. THE PREPPIE CONNECTION chronicles the exploits of a group of private school students who ran a drug distribution operation in the early 1980s. The story centers on Toby, the lower-class sch...
宠坏的处于青春期的惠特尼被选举为她们班的班长,这是一所富人学校---宾福特中学,位于费城。惠特尼有自己最要好的朋友,同时也是副班长的琳赛的支持。她承诺会为全班同学举办一场超棒的正式舞会,甚至包括获得奖学金的同学们。 惠特尼在和她的朋友们一起挑选正式的礼...
After painter Michael "Mike" Sheldrake"s failed suicide attempt, house-mate and life-long best friend Peter Tremaine, an antiques shop owner, reminisces their common past, like Mike does in therapy. It started at the beach, when scrubby, scared Mikey become the dependent protégé...
老农民阿方索回到了自己的家乡照顾身患重病的儿子,他重新找到了曾经居住的老房子,却发现自己的前妻带着女婿和外孙依然住在这里。等待着他的故乡已经几乎变成一片荒原,庞大的甘蔗种植园环绕着他的老房子,日夜烟雾缭绕。阿方索17年前抛下家人离开,如今他试图重新返回,挽救亲情,却发现 在这个已经物是人非的地方...
To accompany the drama, historians Lucy Worsley and Helen Castor draw back the curtain on the seductive world of the real King Louis XIV to reveal how he became the longest serving absolute monarch in European history. As they discover in this special one-hour film, it was a feat all the more...
未來世界有三寶──性、科技、無可救藥的癮君子。時空背景設於未來的布魯克林,年輕廣告AE 大衛成天狂歡,與崇尚瑜珈的女友漸行漸遠,還暗戀麻吉的性感女友蘇菲。空虛的生活,在虛擬實境眼鏡「AUGMENTA」問世後,似乎找到了出口。只要戴上它,動動手指頭,「虛擬蘇菲」就會躍然眼前,性感胴體或是誘人對話,任由操控。...
The story begins when a family man| Mickey Ryan| falls from grace through no fault of his own due to a series of downward spiraling events beyond his control. With his life turned upside down| Mickey tries valiantly to resolve his issues but hooks up with the wrong people who blind him with a...