DISTURBING THE PEACE is a story of the human potential unleashed when we stop participating in a story that no longer serves us and, with the power of our convictions, take action to create new possibilities. DISTURBING THE PEACE follows former enemy combatants - Israeli soldiers from elite u...
故事讲述的是当杜克埃文斯(Ethan Flower 饰),失去美国国家安全局的分析师工作之后,被驱逐出他原来居住的地方,他和他的家庭只能搬到他的祖父曾经居住过的旧小屋里。
Two retired bank robbers agree to one last job. A face from their past steals their proceeds and divides the cash into 7 Cases.... each one is left with someone they know. If they take a case, the victim dies... if they don"t get there in time... the victim dies.... if they tamper with the tr...
When Taryn, a Northern Irish runaway, finds herself in trouble in Ocean City, MD, she seeks refuge with her aunt and uncle in Baltimore. But Kim and Bill have problems of their own: they"re trying to handle the end of their marriage gracefully for the sake of their daughter Abby, just home fr...
A lonely young man"s obsession with his neighbor gets the best of him, resulting in a murder, a cover-up ... and a potential new romance?
本片背景为20世纪70年代的德国,讲述了一名14岁的少女从吸毒到卖淫,一步步走向堕落的故事。 未满14岁的克里斯蒂安娜(娜娅·布鲁克霍斯特 Natja Brunckhorst 饰)来自一个离异家庭,她和母亲妹妹一同生活在西柏林一家公寓里。当时的年轻人都到当地一家迪斯科“Sound”里玩,在朋友的陪同下,未成年的她也进入了这个迷...
威利(弗朗基·穆尼兹 Frankie Muniz 饰)是家中的独生子,在那个年代,独生子是十分罕见的,威利因此而受到了同龄人的欺负和排挤,性格也变得愈加的孤僻。只有住在隔壁的丁克(卢克·威尔逊 Luke Wilson 饰)能让威利感到快乐和安全,他甚至向丁克请教成为棒球 投手的方法。可是没过多久,这个值得信赖的朋友就离开了...
Sang-gu is a cab driver, thrilled and proud that the elite Semiconductor hired his daughter—until she contracts leukemia just two years latetil she contracts leukemia just two years later. Based on the real life legal battle waged by a group of leukemia sufferers that worked at Samsung’s fact...
这部电影对他的迷恋之旅,一个屡获殊荣的国家地理杂志摄影师詹姆斯·巴洛格,捕捉到在北极的冰川迅速侵蚀。巴洛格是极端冰调查(EIS),采用了一系列先进的时间推移相机捕捉到的变化引起的全球气候变化的一个长期摄影项目总监和创始人。 被誉为国家地理杂志摄影师詹姆斯·巴洛格是一次对气候变化持怀疑态度。但是,通...