Fundadoras da ONG de preservação ambiental Aruana, Natalie (Débora Falabella), Luísa (Leandra Leal) e Verônica (Taís Araújo) viajam para Cari, no interior do Amazonas, ao receberem uma denuncia sobre atentados ao povo indígenas e conflitos pela posse de
简介: 二战期间,一支盟军突击队来到南斯拉夫巴尔干地区,在游击队的配合下,准备绑架德国海军将军,不幸行踪暴露,出师不利,损失惨重。康特上尉与游击队首领怀疑内部有叛徒,制定一个假情报,调走了德军海军将军的守卫,在内线他们的配合下,成功将德军海军将军抓获,并惩处了叛徒
Special Agent Alexander Connor is sent to investigate a house, from which a woman named Sandra has made numerous 911 calls. Things become more complicated than expected for Agent Connor, as he finds he must also rescue a police officer who responded to the home 24 hours earlier. Soon, Agent ...