本片改编自比利时的连环漫画册,连环漫画册的灵感来源于同名游戏XIII。 在"老兵纪念日"上发表讲话的美国历史上首位女总统遇刺身亡后的三个月后,一个浑身是伤、衣衫褴褛的男人(斯蒂芬·多尔夫 Stephen Dorff 饰)出现在某森林里。他没有名字,没有记忆,没有过去,面目全非,似乎从不曾来到过这个世界。唯一的线索,...
After the first manned mission to Mars ends in a deadly crash, mission controller Mackenzie Mack Wilson (Sackhoff) assists an artificial intelligence system, A.R.T.I. Their investigation
Sakthi is a petty thief in a Chennai slum, who learns the Adimurai, the ancient and oldest form of martial arts. Meanwhile, an evil man and his son challenge Sakthi for a kickboxing tournament, and Sakthi agrees to participate in it.
A picture-perfect family is shattered when the work of a serial killer hits too close to home. Dylan McDermott stars 77mi.cc in this chilling portrait of all-American evil.
以美国纽约为背景,讲述了一群热爱舞蹈的孩子,不断地追求着自己的梦想,期间产生了很多有趣而浪漫的故事。这部影片由好莱坞著名编剧杜安·阿德勒(Duane Adler)编导,他曾指导过《STEP UP》、《SAVE THE LAST DANCE》等多部卖座电影。《Cobu 3 D》将于2011年春季开拍,届时制片方将往返与美国纽约与多伦多等地取景...
Callan (Brian Austin Green) returns to the scene with his team in order to oppose the return of the evil Gunnar (Vinnie Jones); his path crosses again with Frank Nitti (Tom Sizemore) detective under the city of Los Angeles.