YouTubes best pranksters, Roman Atwood, Vitaly Z, and Dennis Roady make the leap to the big screen
Fatah, petit paysan Algérien n’a d’yeux que pour sa vache Jacqueline, quil rêve demmener à Paris, au salon de lAgriculture. Lorsquil re?oit la précieuse invitation devant tout son village ébahi, lui qui n’a jamais quitté sa campagne, prend le bateau direction Marseille pour traverser toute la...
A wealthy young man is conned into staging a fake kidnapping in order to be a hero and win the affection of a girl hes madly in love with. But when one of the hired kidnappers is accidentally killed during the charade, hes forced to actually save her life while not revealing that its been a r...
Charlie Martin, a JI whose fraternity gets kicked off campus after it takes the rap for a rival fraternity gone awry. Three years later, Charlie and the remaining brothers must throw the greatest rush event to recruit a new pledge class and bring the house back to glory.
布奇金(奥列加·巴希拉什维利 Oleg Basilashvili 饰)年过半百,是一名德高望重的翻译学家,在研究院上班的他事业成功,婚姻美满,是人人羡慕的对象。可这完美的一切被一个名叫阿拉(玛丽娜·涅约洛娃 Marina Neyolova 饰)的女人毁于一旦,阿拉爱上了布奇金,她的痴心不改和步步紧逼让布奇金压力很大。仅仅是为了保...
封面明显的红黄绿,和一堆奇怪的人,感觉很雷鬼的一部片,片名Rockers,代表雷鬼音乐,是一部介绍牙买加的生活型态与特有宗教Rastafari相当详尽的作品,参与的演员包括Inner Circle的Jacob Miller、Burning Spear、Sly & Robbie的Robbie Shakespear等,无一不是相当知名的雷鬼艺人。这片子特别的地方是有许多雷鬼文...
如果你通过了高中了几年,但仍想体验的学生和所有的暗示,你会怎么做?没错。男子邀请自己。特别是如果你的女友原来有一个外国学生的男朋友,最好固定伴侣如何改变一个人的头脑水密计划。结果?一个疯狂的夜晚有一个红色的大众车,大量饮酒,生气的士兵,低能警察 - 和扔石头的马。欢迎广大学生在1994年!