In the distant future, Jack Deadman and his military team are the final hope to save our dying earth from its hellish apocalypse. The mission is to enter the underground world of Labyrinthia and retrieve the water stolen by the savage inhabitants below... 10 years later, the mission has faile...
Harry Callahan - or Dirty Harry as he is known from the previous four movies in this series - is investigating a strange betting game. A list of local celebrities has been handed out, and bets are being taken on who will be the first to die. Things start to get interesting when the name Harry...
Every four years, Canterlot High has The Friendship Games where they must rival with different schools with a series of different sporting events and every year, the cup has gone to Crystal Prep. So Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Sunset Shimmer must work together...
为了创造一个新的世界,邪恶的冰雪女王想要用寒冷的暴风雪冷冻人类的心灵,并消灭所有的艺术家和他们的子女,因为艺术家的作品可以温暖人们的心灵。 根据魔镜的预言,对冰雪女王最大的威胁来自艺术家Glazier Vegard, 冰雪女王用北风带走了Vegard和他的妻子,但是他们的孩子Gerda和Kai却被留了下来,并失落在人间。 ...