In The Nightmare, director Rodney Ascher (Room 237) has done just that. The film explores the condition commonly referred to as “sleep paralysis.” That’s a condition where someone is in bed, but totally physically immobilized. Some who suffer from the condition – including the eight subjects ...
纪录片《into the mind(心界)》,2013年加拿大极限运动纪录片,获得了iF3(国际自由滑雪电影节)的年度电影和最佳剪辑奖。导演是EricCrosland和DaveMossop,该片被称为近十年来最好看的极限运动电影。
Bouzid’s sophomore film details the sexual awakening of Ahmed, a young French man of Algerian origins. His encounters with Farah, recently arrived from Tunis, paired with Arab erotic literature, forces him to reexamine his understanding of himself.