Aspiring singer-songwriter Jed King is struggling to catch a break and escape the long shadow of his famous father when he reluctantly agrees to a gig at a local vineyard harvest festival. Jed meets the vineyard owner"s daughter, Rose, and a romance quickly blooms. Soon after their wedding, J...
March 19, 2017 Every Sunday 8.00 pm on LineTV
法国人这次又拿自己寻了回开心,世袭贵族Neuville的Arbac 一家11口人(外加狗一只)居住在和他们的头衔一样古老的城堡(年久失修,绝对的危房)中,靠政府救济和向路人兜售假古董过着基本上足不出户的生活,然而一笔巨额的到期欠款逼着他们无法再享受自己的“贵族生活”,一个个不切实际的点子由此而生......