Eight years have past since Martin Ward and David Bouchard met in a spectacular way on the Quebec/Ontario border. The two men have remained friends, but time takes its toll and they have not spoken in almost a year. In this chapter Ward and Bouchard must face an important car theft ring that ...
Night Falls in India tells the story of Ricardo (Juan Diego) and Dana (Clara Voda). Ricardo decides to travel overland to India, as he used to do in the old days, when he brought hippies to the East with his van, crossing Europe, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. But the situation is very different ...
Tanner一家是一户普通的美国家庭。一天,一个不速之客“降临”在他们面前。他身材矮小,他全身被毛,他态度傲慢,他是一个来自Melmac星球的外星人。Tanner一家不知所措,给他起了个“外号”:ALF(allien life form)。Tanner一家宁静的生活被这个新成员所打破,一起上演了一幕幕诙谐而温馨的故事……
The year is 1955. NATO and the Allied Forces have been conducting secret, occult experiments in a bid to win the Arms Race. Now, they have finally succeeded but what the Army has unleashed threatens to tear our world apart. One woman must lead the only survivors past horrors that the military...