每一天美国总统都要面对数百个关乎生死的重大决定,但这些重大国际危机和国际事件处理起来总得有个轻重缓急——这便是顶级中情局分析师Charleston “Charlie” Whitney Tucker(Katherine Heigl,《实习医生格蕾》)的主要任务。作为美国总统的特别顾问兼联络官,她负责召集一个团队向总统做每日简报(President’s Daily...
It all starts the moment shy, beautiful Felicity Porter (Keri Russell, Dead Mans Curve) asks Ben Covington (Scott Speedman) to sign her high school yearbook. Its graduation day...hes gorgeous...and shes had a four-year crush on him. Even though the two have never spoken, what he writes is so ...
本片内容跨越了半个世纪,真实而深刻的记述了德蕾莎修女秉持著对上帝的信仰与奉献的精神,发扬人性至善的光辉,超越国界与藩篱,给予数以百万计贫困苦难的人带来 希望与尊严慈悲的恻隐之心,无怨无悔的照顾无依无靠的人们,让他们知道有人关心著他们,她抚慰了苦难人的心,发扬了信、望、爱的至高精神,为那些弃婴...
Three friends, filming an audition tape for an extreme reality game show, take part in shark cage diving. Which soon turns into a catastrophic turn of events, leaving them in great white infested waters, turning their recording into a blood chilling diary of survival and death.