A young couples relationship gets bumpy as the end of their college life approaches.
Our solar system was the first to attract humans and filled their souls with awe and fear. At the same time brave minds had been curious about its nature and kept speculating about the universe and its objects. However since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of unive...
Three aspiring young women (Naomi, Joe, and Elsa) embark on a mission to break into the acting business. Naomi, the most seasoned of the roommates, is the full package. Shes a sexy, confident, and an experienced talent on the verge of breaking through. Joe has the tools and the passion, but p...
A COUNTRY CALLED HOME is a compelling coming of age story with universal appeal because it deals with trials and trepidations that most people experience in one way or another, no matter who they are or where they are from. The story incorporates the views of people from all walks of life; di...
威尼斯影后(《填补空白》)哈达斯·雅伦和《完美陌生人》瓦莱里奥·马斯坦德雷亚主演的意大利喜剧, 安利科是叱吒业界的王牌顾问,他总是有办法说服废柴高层交棒,拯救大企业于水火。表面呼风唤雨的安利科,私下严谨孤行,不愿重蹈父亲抛家弃子的覆辙。然而独来独往的平静生活,却被误闯空门的异国美女亚莉诺打破。来...