The fate of a championship is being decided on a soccer field, but along with it, the lives of many people who have decided to turn things around are at stake. Be it for money, as is the case of Italo - president of the Sporting team who bet everything he has left on the final result; be it ...
摄像机是人类社会的一大发明,它能事无巨细、没有偏颇地记录下来发生在它面前的一切。这种原始而现实的影像就叫做“纪录片”。现在网络上最流行、点击率最高的的“纪录片”就是“自拍”。而自拍往往和色*情以及欲望相关。 四个青涩的少年,一台老旧但是还能运转的摄像机。他们通过自己的亲身经历和一些令人目瞪口呆的体验...
在海上航行多年,两个水手返回自己的家园。然而等候他们的不是一个新开始,而是即将发生的巨大灾难:一个水坝,始建于100多年前的英国殖民统治时期,潜在的崩塌威胁即将打破。显然,这场灾难并不是不可避免的.... 故事围绕电影中的中心建筑:一座英国于殖民时期在印度修建的拥有百年历史的大坝进行。如“大坝”一般,...
新西班牙电影早期经典,奥斯卡最佳外语片提名,阿尔莫多瓦的西班牙电影十佳之一。A 43-year-old woman discovers she is actually a man...A woman living in a small town discovers after fifty years that she is actually a man. Will she change her sex and suffer the reaction of a narrow-minded society?