This experimental film is based on a novella in which Ahn Jung-hyo attempts to capture the psychology of a woman who misinterprets a letter from her husband. Staged in 42.9 square meters thoroughly by the theatrical conventions, this film seems a Korean version of Lars Von Trier’s .
A heroic fantasy about an artist’s destiny at the tumultuous time of social transformations. One of director Alexander Mitta’s best films. The south of Russia, 1920. In a town square, a mono-performance is on, based on Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”. The film’s hero who took the pseudonym “Rev...
阿道克船长突然收到远方老友的遗赠,于是和丁丁,白雪一起前往伊斯坦布尔接受了一条名为“金毛号”的船。没想到这条令人失望的破船居然有人出天价收购,还给众人招来一系列杀身之祸。原来这条船和一批价值连城的黄金有密切联系。 经历了一系列冒险历程,在杜邦杜庞和卡尔库鲁斯的协助下,一场正邪大战如火如荼。 那么...
马西莫·托里塞利是一个西西里黑手党家族的年轻英俊的老板,在他的父亲被暗杀后,他别无选择,只能接掌位子。劳拉·贝尔是一家豪华酒店的总监,事业有成,但私生活却缺乏激情,她努力来挽救人际关系,和朋友一起去西西里岛旅行。劳拉没有料到岛上最危险的人马西莫会绑架她,囚禁她,给她365天时间爱上他。《365 dni》是...