Together with a group of friends, Hanne Mette viditint the abandoned ski, Svartsj?n as Hannes boyfriend, Johan, are planning to buy and reopen. The site, which lies far in the Swedish wilderness, has stood completely empty and abandoned since a gruesome murder case 20 years earlier.
Nikolai Markin, a police captain, is sent on a mission into the taiga, in the colony. But to get to the place he was not fated: just a few kilometers away from the barbed wire he sees prisoners who escaped from behind bars. Without a moments hesitation, Markin is sent to the chase, having wit...
Janet is promoted to sergeant but steps down to give it to Rachel as she feels she is needed more at home. The pair join the search for eighteen year old Robin McKendrick, a simple lad reported missing by his boss, landlord John Rivington. Pub regulars are unforthcoming until a boy called Joh...
Created by Phil Matarese and Mike Luciano and produced by Duplass Brothers Television, Animals. focuses on the downtrodden creatures native to Earth’s least-habitable environment: New York City. Whether it’s lovelorn rats, gender-questioning pigeons or aging bedbugs in the midst of a midlife ...
Kaitlin Olson是女主角,扮演Mackenzie “Mickey” Murphy,生活潦倒、说话粗鲁、烟不离手的女人。因为她那富得流油的妹妹为了逃避联邦起诉而逃离了美国, 只好搬到康涅狄格州的格林威治,去照顾妹妹那些已宠坏的孩子。她很快知道一件众人皆知的事:别人家的就是熊孩子。 Sofia Black D’Elia 扮演Sabrina,Mickey照顾...
在奥斯陆Hartvig Nissens上高中的一群年轻人的青春故事,每一季变换一个主角
BBC拟拍七集警匪剧《New Blood》,本剧由《Foyle’s War》编剧Anthony Horowitz创作,是一部涉及“Y一代”的奋斗故事,用局外人的视角展现现代伦敦的另一面。两个本在不同部门工作年轻警察Stefan和Rash,因两桩看似毫无关联的案件而产生交集,并携手对抗藏在合法外衣和律师保护下的富豪。
Lena Sander is a good-hearted, spirited, attractive young woman. She lives in Cologne since her birth and became a trained clerical worker. A profession Lena hasnt much fun with, which leads for her to climb from job to job. Lena is living together with her boyfriend of six years, Tony Weiss,...
(老爸老妈罗曼史 第六季 / HIMYM 6)故事围绕着五位主角展开。在大学任职教授的泰德(乔什·拉德诺 Josh Radnor 饰)还在感情路上寻寻觅觅,等待真命天女的到来。这天,巴尼(尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯 Neil Patrick Harris 饰)告诉他一个消息,巨人国家银行委派他设计一座新的总部大楼。几经 考虑后,泰德答应接受这份工...