Our solar system was the first to attract humans and filled their souls with awe and fear. At the same time brave minds had been curious about its nature and kept speculating about the universe and its objects. However since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of unive...
记录了曾经轰动一时的好莱坞大淫媒海蒂·弗烈丝(Heidi Fleiss)的性交易事件。著名女星妮可基曼即将主演根据此事件改编的电影版本.当年这起牵涉性、金钱及明星的社会新闻彷佛电影情节,许多好莱坞大牌明星的黑暗面将通通曝光。影片着重描写关于这个三十七岁年轻女子从身为医师女儿到摇身一变成为好莱坞淫媒的“崛起与失...
A veteran soap opera star retires to a beach house with her publicist and partner, but her Early Onset Alzheimers will strain the couples relationship until they find the strength to redefine themselves and what they mean to one another.
Three friends, filming an audition tape for an extreme reality game show, take part in shark cage diving. Which soon turns into a catastrophic turn of events, leaving them in great white infested waters, turning their recording into a blood chilling diary of survival and death.
After painter Michael "Mike" Sheldrake"s failed suicide attempt, house-mate and life-long best friend Peter Tremaine, an antiques shop owner, reminisces their common past, like Mike does in therapy. It started at the beach, when scrubby, scared Mikey become the dependent protégé...
Familjen L?wander – syskonen Gustaf, Peter och Nina samt mamma Helga – driver en av Stockholms popul?raste restauranger n?r andra v?rldskriget tar slut. ?ldste sonen Gustaf har tagit krogen genom de tuffa krigs?ren och vill driva verksamheten som den alltid sett ut, medan systern Nina f?r?lsk...