Carlos writes crime novels but since the death of his wife he has been suffering from writers block. When his publishing company sends an assistant at his house to help him overcome this difficulty, Carlos believes he might have another shot at love. Terrified by the idea that this new opport...
英国剧作家JB Priestley的经典话剧改编成的电视电影。 1912年的一个夜晚,富商柏令一家正在庆祝女儿的订婚,突然一位督查来访,声称是来询问一桩自杀事件的信息。然而随着问话的进行,这件看似与柏令家毫无关系的事件,却引出了一个一个秘密...而最后的真相,究竟是什么?
Milla est amoureuse de Leo, et ces vagabonds célestes trouvent refuge dans une maison abandonnée. Leur petit univers précaire est remis en question par les séjours de Leo sur un chalutier. Commence alors un deuxième mouvement qui voit le personnage de Milla grandir, se transformer jusquà bien...
这是一部根据美国marvel公司的着名漫画改编的电视系列剧《异种战士》。这部同样是讲述变种人的系列片,是在去年fox公司推出《x-man》之后,又一部由这个系列漫画改编的影视作品,其中许多精彩场面将再次重现…… 在一项研究遗传变异的秘密政府计划中, 研究对象被释放到普通人类当中。一位有责任感的科学家Adam发誓要...
Murray (Miller) is shocked when his wife Bex (Catz) walks out on their marriage on her 40th birthday. The series follows his attempts to find out why she has left him and how he can win her back... though its less a journey than a floundering stumble in the dark towards the prize of returning...