新奥尔良是美国圣诞节最狂欢的城市!一年一度的狂欢节使这个城市又疯狂起来了,但今年的狂欢节却更加的惊心动魄…… 德沃公园突然发生恐怖的地陷灾难,一名工人不幸遇难!身为市长助理的艾丽森马上前往现场察看白天的惊慌还未完全散去,傍晚又有一处地方发生地下沧陷,整个城市都陷入了恐慌当中!艾丽森只有请求男友——...
五位著名导演,各自执导了一段关于二十岁恋情的短片。 一、特吕弗《安托万与柯莱特》:《四百下》男主角安托万人生故事的延续,安托万暗恋上比自己年纪稍大的柯莱特,柯莱特却只把他当作弟弟般地看待,安托万的早恋就此无疾而终。 二、瓦伊达《华沙》:少女爱上了在动物园里见义勇为的男子,而力邀他参与家里的青年...
If there's one thing that the men of Rockford Texas love as much as their women, it's their guns. But when a gun incident at a neighborhood school spurs one stay at home mom, Jenna (Andrea Anders), to rethink Rockford's obsessive gun culture, life in this idyllic town is turned upside-down. M...