On a leave of absence from the police force, Luther is laying low in a rundown cottage on the edge of England but a visit from his old colleagues at the Met brings a shocking piece of news that draws him back to London in search of the truth. Meanwhile, a gruesome serial killer has struck the...
鲸鱼威利回到了属于自己的家园,而杰西(杰森·詹姆斯·里希特 Jason James Richter 饰)亦已经长大,成为了一名海岸科考队队员,可是,他们之间的故事并没有完结。男孩麦克斯(Vincent Berry 饰)的父亲约翰(帕特里克·基尔帕特里克 Patrick Kilpatrick 饰)是一名非法捕鲸手,有时候,当他穿梭在惊涛骇浪之中追随着...
前所未見的大規模紫色歡呼聲渲染了洛杉磯。睽違了兩年,BTS在美國洛杉磯SoFi體育場舉辦《Permission to Dance》實體演唱會。為了展現出所有人期待已久的精彩演出,防彈少年團帶來從《On》到《Permission to Dance》等歌曲的華麗表演。令人感動的舞臺終於實現了,轉播電影將傳達出極致澎湃的感動。期待許久的會面,...
Three Plebs join the army in peace-time, hoping to win respect, romance and military discounts at selected restaurants. But when war’s declared they’re sent to fight on the front line of a Roman legion for a cause they don’t believe in. Now their main interest is the struggle for survival.