With time, Marinette and Adrien ended up becoming friends. But the collège girl discovers that declaring her feelings for her friend is not so simple, in fact, it will be almost the opposite! For Ladybug and Cat Noir, despite their new powers and teammates that they can call upon when the si...
《圣诞怪杰》根据“苏斯博士”(Dr. Seuss)的著名畅销童书改编,故事主角是一个绿色的怪物格林奇(Grinch),他非常非常痛恨圣诞节,因为他是一个孤儿。为了不让人们过圣诞,他把所有圣诞礼物都偷走了。最后还是一个纯真的小女孩融化了他冷漠的心。