Nearly fifty years ago, a gunman rode the elevator to the twenty-seventh floor of the University of Texas Tower and opened fire. TOWER, an animated and action-packed documentary, shares the untold story of that day - when the worst in one man brought out the best in so many others.
《养家之人》是一部由著名作家黛博拉·艾里斯( Deborah Ellis) 著的加拿大同名获奖畅销小说改编而成的动 画片。该影片由卡通沙龙(Cartoon Saloon)动画公司制作,女导演诺拉·托梅(Nora Twomey)执导,Anita Doron执笔编剧。安吉丽娜朱莉出任了该片的制片人。讲述了塔利班统治下的一个阿富汗小女孩的生活。一个名叫“帕...