该剧根据1996年前FBI探员约翰·道格拉斯(JohnDouglas)和马克·欧夏克(Mark Olshaker)的著作《心理神探:美国联邦调查局系列犯罪破案揭秘》(MindHunter: Inside the FBIs Elite Serial Crime Unit)改编。退休后的道格拉斯深入研究犯罪心理学,美剧《汉尼拔》(Hannibal)和《犯罪心理》(CriminalMinds)中的角色...
Senior Prosecutor Janet King returns from maternity leave to confront a high-profile murder, and a conspiracy which will have shocking ramifications throughout the judicial system.
6 months after rescuing his family from Golding, Harry Clayton is a very different man. He hasnt laid a bet in 186 days and has sworn off using the power of the bracelet - until he meets a woman with an identical bracelet.
Sues senior year, the "Summer of Sue," begins with the premature removal of her braces. Meanwhile, Axl finally beats Mike in basketball and Brick tries to find the perfect backpack for school
对褒曼夫妇Russ and Lina Bowman来说,孩子、债务与郊区住宅早已模糊了他们坠入爱河之初生活的美好幻象,但每个月总有那么几天,当他们还纠结在关于性生活质量下降与拼车事宜的讨论中时,两人会想起当初走到一起的原因——他们是彼此最好的朋友。也许,试图用婚姻来维持激情是最糟糕的那种方式,于是......
这是一部谍中谍式的电影,不过主角换成了狙击手。美国退役优秀狙击手鲍勃(马克?沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)正在阿肯色州享受退役后的休闲时光,不料,平地生波,他的前上司前来拜访他,希望他能接受一项新的任务――在总统街头演讲那天充当隐形狙击手暗中保护总统。虽然十万分不情愿,但禁不住上司的游说,鲍勃最终...
卡尔(马特·狄龙 Matt Dillon饰)和莫利(凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson饰)的新婚生活眼看就要甜甜蜜蜜的铺开,此时却来了个不速之客:卡尔的老友杜普瑞(欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson饰)。这个家伙行为怪异,思想奇特,有自己一套慵懒散漫的生活方式。如今他倒了大霉,被公司解雇,随后无家可归,好心的卡尔收留他住下,并...