A thrilling dark comedy in three parts. Timid schoolteacher Ian Telford (Jim Howick) faces the Stag Weekend from Hell, as he joins his future brother-in-law Johnners (Stephen Campbell Moore) and several obnoxious mates on a poorly planned deer-stalking expedition in the Scottish highlands, un...
在三部分的黑色喜剧。胆小的教师伊恩?德福(Jim Howick)面临来自地狱的牡鹿的周末,当他加入他的未来妹夫Johnners坎贝尔(Stephen Moore)和几个讨厌的伴侣很差计划deer-stalking探险队在苏格兰高地,警惕的眼睛下的猎场看守人(詹姆斯·科兹摩)。但它很快就乱比任何人预期的,当猎人成为猎物。他们残酷地淘汰,一个接一个,他...
The story finds Jason Mewes' Jay and Smith's Silent Bob learning that a studio wants to reboot the Bluntman And Chronic movie that was based on the ic inspired by the two stoners. And they're not happy. Again. So begins a cross-country quest to shut it down.
詹姆斯(卢克·崔德威 Luke Treadaway 饰)从未想过一只流浪的橘猫可以拯救自己的人生。戒毒成功后的他与猫咪鲍勃过着贫苦却温馨的日子,一人一猫的卖唱风景总是能在街头成为焦点,为他们带来更多收入。眼看着生活开始有了起色,不料鲍勃却突然受伤,詹姆斯也面临着被迫和鲍勃分离的危机……
1901:- Poor but intelligent Emily Fox Seton accepts a marriage proposal from the older Lord James Walderhurst,a widower pushed into providing an heir by his haughty aunt Maria,Emily's employer. It is an arrangement for them both - in James' case to stop the family home passing to James' cousi...
A college freshman moves into the perfect dorm on campus, but soon discovers the previous resident died under mysterious circumstances. Believing the girl was murdered, she tries to uncover the identity of the killer before it's too late.