On April 13, 2017, VH1 renewed the series for a tenth season, scheduled to began airing on March 22, 2018. Casting for Season 10 opened and later ended on May 7, 2017. This season will be the first to have Untucked premiere on VH1 along with Season 10. The promo theme this season is neon. Pro...
Happy Elements担当原作的原创动画《Phantom in the Twilight》公布,定档2018年7月,花泽香菜参演。故事讲述少女和帅气咖啡店员的故事,不过店员是吸血鬼,狼人等非人类!声优:冈本信彦花泽香菜山下大辉杉田智和樱井孝宏简介:对抗宿命的少女与“影之守门人”交织的幻想谭舞台为现代,伦敦。名为“影”的非人之物从人...
在NBC播了一季被取消的《康斯坦丁 Constantine》,在经过于《绿箭侠 Arrow》客串一集后,CW宣布《康斯坦丁》将以5或6集的10分钟动画登陆他们的网上平台CW Seed(像动画《雌狐 Vixen》),而剧集主角Matt Ryan会继续声演。