[冰川时代]衍生动画短片[冰川时代:斯克特的传说](Ice Age: Scrat Tales,暂译)将于4月13日直接上线Disney+。
故事围绕出身贫寒的牧野杉菜而发生,她被势利的父母强迫就读一所由在政经界最具影响力的四大家族,为培养优秀后代而创立的贵族学校:英德学园(Eitoku Gakuen),四大家族的继承人──道明寺司、花泽类、西门总二郎、美作明号称“F4”(Flower 4、花之四人组),在学校有着各种特权。
Familjen L?wander – syskonen Gustaf, Peter och Nina samt mamma Helga – driver en av Stockholms popul?raste restauranger n?r andra v?rldskriget tar slut. ?ldste sonen Gustaf har tagit krogen genom de tuffa krigs?ren och vill driva verksamheten som den alltid sett ut, medan systern Nina f?r?lsk...
Porn has gone mainstream; the question is, can we handle it? This exploration of the intersection of sex and technology is told through the stories of the people whose lives are defined by the current explosion of internet porn-whether theyre creating it, consuming it, or both.